Do Hamsters Sleep With Their Eyes Open

Hamsters are small and adorable creatures, fascinating with their fluffy appearance and playful nature. As an owner, you look after your lovely friend with great affection and love the common question that arises in your …

Do Hamsters Sleep With Their Eyes Open

Hamsters are small and adorable creatures, fascinating with their fluffy appearance and playful nature.

As an owner, you look after your lovely friend with great affection and love the common question that arises in your mind is, do hamsters sleep with open eyes? 

In This article, we discuss the question “Do Hamsters Sleep With Their Eyes Open.” This extensive guide helps you to understand the sleep habits of your lovely Hamster.

Hamster Sleeping Pattern 

Hamsters are nocturnal creatures which means they sleep during the daytime and are active during the night.

It shows that hamsters almost have oppositive nature to humans, but they evolve this type of sleeping pattern, and it reflects their nature. Their sleeping pattern reflects their instincts.

Hamster Sleeping Cycle 

To understand hamsters sleeping routine, it is essential to understand their sleeping pattern. 

Hamsters are nocturnal, meaning they are more active at night. They evolve this kind of behavior and adapt it as a natural habit. The wild Hamster uses the darkness for searching food, while the domestic hamsters are nocturnal as well.

Hamster also shows a polyphasic sleeping pattern, which means they have multiple sleeping cycles. This cycle consists of two phases which are given below. 


  • Light sleep phase 
  • Dark sleep phase 

Light sleep phase 

In this phase, the Hamster partially opens their eyes and becomes more alert. However, they are aware of their surroundings and able to respond to any potential threat. 

Dark sleep phase 

In this phase, the hamsters completely closed their eyes. This happens when the Hamster feels safe and they do not find any potential threat in their surrounding.

Do Hamsters Sleep with Open Eyes?

Yes, hamsters sleep with open eyes when they feel any potential threats. Like other rodent animals, hamsters do not adapt to the behavior in which they open their eyes during sleep. Normally Hamster does not open their eyes in deep sleep when they are not afraid of any risk. 

But sometimes, they partially open their eyes when they feel something moving near them.

Hamsters that Sleep with Open Eyes 

Hamsters sleep with closed eyes, but few of them sleep with open eyes in a deep sleep. These hamsters are given below.

  • Dwarf Hamster 

Dwarf hamsters are very cute and small hamsters. They are very active and very alert. They open their eyes while sleeping.  

  • Syrians Hamster

Syrian hamsters are larger hamsters than dwarf hamsters. They are not alert as compared to dwarf hamsters, but still, they are known to sleep with open eyes. 

Reasons for Hamster Sleeping with Open Eyes

1. Preying Nature 

Hamsters have preying nature that comes from their ancestors. Wild hamster prey on animals and constantly looks for their predators. That is why they sleep with open eyes. While domestic hamsters also adopt this behavior, they also sleep with open eyes.

2. For Being Alert 

Wild hamsters have to be alert for a potential threat to survive in the wild environment. Domestic Hamster also sleeps with open eyes when they are uncomfortable and feel unsafe, so they become alert for any potential threat. 

3. Genetic Factor 

Some hamsters contain such genes, which they sleep with open eyes. They do not have any option to close their eyes, even in a deep sleep, so these types of hamsters open sleep with open eyes.

Factors that Affect Hamster Sleep 

Hamsters are very sensitive, so many factors affect the sleeping behavior of furry friends. These factors are given below. 

1. Light 

Hamsters are sensitive to light; they adapted to live in low light conditions. When bright light is directly exposed to hamsters, it disturbs their sleep hours and makes them uncomfortable. 

2. Noisy Environment

Similar to light, hamsters are also very sensitive to noise. They like to live in a quiet environment. When hamsters hear any noise, they wake up, and their sleeping time is disturbed.    

3. Age and Health 

The hamsters’ age and health mainly affect their sleep pattern. The younger hamsters are more active and more energetic.

They do not sleep for a long time; on the other hand, the older hamsters sleep for a long time because they need rest. Additionally, underlying health issues cause disturbance in their sleeping pattern 

4. Stress

Hamsters easily get stressed when they come into contact with some environmental changes. They do not bear it and take the stress. This stress changes their sleeping quality.

5. Changing of Place

Hamsters disturb when their palace change even if they can not sleep well. In the new place, they get afraid and feel uncomfortable. This affects their sleeping pattern.

6. Uncomfortable Place 

For a comfortable sleep, you need a comfortable place. The Hamster also needs comfortable bedding and a cage. In the case of any discomfort, hamsters do not sleep well.

Factors for Ensuring the Optimal Sleep of Hamster

Sleep plays a vital role in the well-being and healthy life of living organisms. So it is also very essential that the Hamster complete its sleeping hour, and these factors help to ensure optimal sleep for the Hamster.

  • Creating a Comfortable Environment 

Create a comfortable environment with low light and no noise. Provide him with a cozy bed and soft, silky fabric, which help him to sleep well. Choose a peaceful area where hamster cages are placed so they feel easy. 

  • Maintaining the Routine 

Hamsters thrive to routine. As a responsible owner, you should have to make a sleeping and feeding routine for a healthy lifestyle. This routine helps the Hamster to maintain its sleeping pattern.

  •  Temperature 

Hamsters live in cool areas, so make sure that the area of the Hamster is well-ventilated and cool so the Hamster does not feel any suffocation]and during sleeping. 

Is Sleeping with Open Eyes Normal for a Hamster? 

Yes, it is normal to sleep with open eyes for hamsters; it is a very helpful adaptation in wild hamsters that they evolve. Wild Hamsters like to live alone, so sleeping with open eyes helps them in predation and being aware of potential threats. 

According to veterinarians, sleeping with open eyes is a very common and uncertain behavior. Still, if your lovely Hamster shows other symptoms in their sleeping pattern, you should concern with the veterinarian.

Sleeping with Open Eyes is harmful to a Hamster? 

No sleeping with open eyes is not harmful to hamsters. It is a common behavior that they show. But some problems indicate from eyes should be a concern.

Sign that should concern 

  • Redness in eyes
  • Swelling around the eyes 
  • Excessive blinking of eyes 
  • More rubbing of eyes
  • Discharge from eyes   


In conclusion, hamsters can sleep with open eyes. As responsible owners, we should not have to concern about it. The wild Hamster evolves this adaptation for survival. While domestic hamsters also show this kind of behavior when they feel any potential threat. 

Also, hamsters can sleep with partially open eyes to be aware of other predators and be alert. 


1. Sleep with open eyes shows a weird behavior of a hamster?

No, sleeping with open eyes is not the weird behavior of a hamster; it is very normal for them. They evolved this kind of behavior to survive in the wild environment. 

2. How much does a hamster sleep?

Hamsters sleep almost 12 to 14 hours a day but do not sleep continuously, and their sleeping duration changes from individual to individual. 

3. Can hamsters sleep with closed eyes?

Yes, hamsters can sleep with closed eyes like other rodents; they do not only sleep with open eyes. In a deep sleep, they close their eyes. 

4. How do I know my Hamster is sleeping?

When a hamster sleeps, its body temperature decreases, and it becomes a statue. When they are asleep, it seems dead. 

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