Can Hamsters Eat Ants?

Hamsters are small creatures and trendy house pets for all ages. This furry friend is well known for its fascinating behavior. As a responsible owner, you must ensure that our adorable little hamster receives the …

Can Hamsters Eat Ants

Hamsters are small creatures and trendy house pets for all ages. This furry friend is well known for its fascinating behavior. As a responsible owner, you must ensure that our adorable little hamster receives the complete nutrition and diet necessary for his healthy life and well-being.

As an accountable and contemplative owner, you must know a hamster’s well-balanced diet, and one question always arises: can a hamster eat ants?

In this article, we discuss the diet of hamsters and can hamster eat ants and safely consume it. This extensive guide helps you to understand the possibility of ants being a suitable source of hamsters. Let’s explore it. 

Neutral Diet of Hamster 

Hamsters have an omnivorous diet allowing them to consume meat and vegetables. Hamsters that live in the wild feed on grass, seeds, vegetables, and insects, while pet hamsters feed on hamster food, grass, seeds, vegetables, fruits, and nuts.

The hamster food is best for our little friend because it is a well-balanced combination of vegetables and fruits. The hamster should never feed junk food, chocolates, juices, garlic, or any salty/sugary food. 

Nutritional Diet of Hamster 

Hamster needs a balanced diet that is rich in carbohydrates, protein, fibers, and vitamins. These are the essential nutrient necessary for a hamster’s healthier life. Its detail is given below, 

1. Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates provide energy to our little furry friend, so it is an essential part of the hamster diet. Whole grains like oats, brown rice, and barley are the main source of carbohydrates. They should be given in moderation.

2. Protein

Proteins are very important for muscle development and growth in hamsters. Boiled lean meat and boiled eggs are good sources of protein. Also, hamster pellets contain protein-rich ingredients.

3. Fibers 

Fiber is a very important part of the hamster diet. It helps in digestion and promotes overall gut health. Hay and vegetables are high fiber-containing sources, while for limited amounts, fruits should be included in the daily meals of hamsters.   

4. Vitamins 

Vitamins are an essential part of hamster diet. Green vegetables and fruits such as apples, carrots, and broccoli provide the vitamins c and minerals that are important for hamsters’ healthy growth.

What are Ants?

Ants are common insects that have some unique capabilities, including their legendary communication skill that allow their colonies to function as superorganisms.

They can be found almost everywhere in the world, with the expectation of Antarctica, Iceland, Grassland, and some Island nations.   

Nutrient Content of Ant

The nutrient value of ants varies widely depending on the species. Ants tend to be high in protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. 

Ants’ eggs and larvae provide 7 grams of protein per 100 grams in weight. In addition, it also provides zinc, iron, magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus.  

Can Hamsters Eat Ants?

Hamsters can eat ants because is a good source of protein, calcium, fat, and iron. Consuming 1 and 2 ants is not harmful and provides extra nutrients.  

However, larger ant species may bite or spray the formic acid at the hamster. The little creature-eaten ants as a last-ditch attempt to save themselves from pending death. Hamster has sharp, strong teeth that break down their exoskeleton, which is tough to bite.  

Different Types of Ants 

Ants have different shapes and sizes. On the bases of these differences, we can differentiate into a lot of variety. The list of different ants is given below. 

1. Argentine Ant  

Argentia ants are ordinary-looking brown ants. These are small and slender. The ants that work are all the same shape and size, and they travel along clear paths to find food.

They like sweets but also eat live and dead insects. In addition, it also feeds on meat and dead fruit.

2. Carpenter Ant 

It is the most common species of ant, black in color, and has very fine whitish or yellowish hair on the abdomen. They rarely come to contact with humans. They hunt for food at night and early in the morning in summer or spring.

They feed on sweet things, meat, and grease. They do not sting.

3. Fire Ant

Fire ants create big mounds in open spaces. They feed on young plants, insects, and seeds. They often attack small animals like small lizards and kill them. They are found under big logs. They have a powerful sting.

4. Pharaohs Ant 

The pharaoh’s ant is a small yellow or light brown, almost transparent ant. These are major indoor nuisance pests, especially in hospitals. They live in humid conditions and feed on meat and dead insects. 

5. Sugar Ant

A sugar ant is a small ant ranging in color from brown to black; its nickname is “stink ant.” They are found in the kitchen and bathroom. They feed on sweets found in the kitchen and food like honey, agave, or maple syrup.

6. Thief Ant 

The thief ant has a range from yellow to light brown. They are found under beds or objects on the ground. They feed on bread, nuts, animal fat, and other dairy products.         

7. Harvester Ant 

Harvester ants are not found at home, so they are referred to as agriculture. They feed on a variety of grass.

8. Odorous Ant 

These are the common household pest and are attracted to sources of water and sweets. They are found in the kitchen, cupboard, and bathroom. They feed on sugar and dead insects. 

Hamster attracts Ants

Hamsters do not directly attract the ants but indirectly attract them. The main problem is water and food present in the cage. Ants love fresh fruits, vegetables, or honey base food which is available in hamster cages.

Many times there is uneaten food present in the hamster cage, which encourages the ant to come and settle with a hamster.

What is the Danger of Ants to Hamsters?

There is a danger of ants to hamsters, but it depends on which species of ants will attack to hamster. Ants can transmit toxic and pathogenic microorganisms to hamsters, but a few ants do not cause problems to our furry friends.

Ants do not want to challenge animals like a hamster but still attack because they protect themselves. This is the nature of the defense.

Can Ant Bite Hamster?    

Yes, ants bite the hamster, causing itching and pain. Sometimes swelling also occurs. However, its bit is not dangerous to our little creature because ant uses edibles to bite and pinch the skin. Certain ants’ bits but not all types.    

Dangerous Ants for Hamsters 

  • Harvester ants 
  • Fire ants 

Ants have a very Painful Bite 

  • Wood ants 
  • Raspberry ants 
  • Acrobat ants 
  • Sugar ants 

Ants that Spray Formic Acid 

  • Bulldog ants 
  • Red ants  

Prevention of Ants in a Cage of the Hamster 

There are the following ways to prevent ants in a hamster’s cage. The best ways are given below.

1. Move the Cage to the Other Location

Ants usually appear near windows and doors close to your home exist, so a cage should be placed further away. A cage should not be placed where the climate is humid because ants like humid environments.

Ensure that the hamster has a suitable temperature range (between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit)

2. Natural Pest Repellents 

You should use natural pest repellent because the hamster has sensitive. Ant dislikes the smell and will stay away. Effective ant repellents include 

However, do not place it too close to the cage. It causes respiratory problems in the hamster. 

3. Regular cleaning of the Cage

You should have to clean the cage regularly. It minimizes the risk appearance of ants in a cage. You do not have to clean the cage regularly, but three times a week is enough. Ants come when there is remaining food to attract them. 

4. Moat Bowl 

A moat bowl is significant where the pets and ants frequently get into your pet’s food. In this type of bowl, bugs and ants are kept away by water, while hamsters enjoy their food without any risk of ants and bugs.  

Creating a Balanced diet for giving Ants to the Hamster

Hamsters have a very sensitive digestive system, so maintaining a balanced diet is very important for the hamster.

  • Consult a veterinarian before making any significant changes to your hamster diet. It is necessary to consult a veterinarian who specializes in small animals. It gives personalized recommendations based on the specific need of the hamster. 
  • Ants are full of protein. If you feed them with ants, give them in a small proportion. 
  • Ants make the hamster dehydrated, so make sure that fresh water your hamster always has access to clean, fresh water. 
  • Being a responsible owner, you should have to monitor your weight. If your hamster suddenly loses weight or gains, it could indicate an underlying health problem.     


Health and safety are the most important for a healthy life and well-being. Being a responsible owner, these are your first priority. So the overall answer is yes, the hamster can eat ants, but just a few species other releases formic acid and bite our furry friend. It should be kept away.  


1. Can ants be poisonous to hamsters?

Some ants produce toxic and defensive chemicals that are harmful to the hamster, so keep the hamster cage away from these ants. 

2. What other insects can hamsters eat?

Hamsters can eat many insects occasionally, like mealworms, in moderation. Insects are the source of protein, so make sure they come from reputable sources

3. Can I feed my hamster ants from my garden?

It is not recommended to feed ants from your garden. Yes, it is rich in protein, but garden ants may be in contact with pesticides and toxic chemicals, which can be harmful if consumed.

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