Can Dogs Eat String Cheese?

String cheese is a popular snack food that many dog owners wonder if they can share with their furry friends. As you probably know, cheese contains calories, fat, and salt – things we want to …

String Cheese

String cheese is a popular snack food that many dog owners wonder if they can share with their furry friends. As you probably know, cheese contains calories, fat, and salt – things we want to limit in our dogs’ diets.

But what about string cheese specifically? Can dogs eat string cheese safely and are there any benefits? Let’s explore!

What is String Cheese?

Before determining if string cheese is okay for dogs, let’s first understand exactly what it is. String cheese refers to a type of mozzarella cheese that has been manufactured into a rope-like shape. It has a mild, creamy taste and a distinctive stringy texture when peeled.

Traditional string cheese is made from just a few ingredients: pasteurized part-skim milk, salt, enzymes, and culture. The cheese is heated and stretched to achieve those long, stringy strands when peeled. It provides a good source of calcium and protein.

However, some varieties of string cheese may also contain preservatives, flavorings, colorings, and other additives. So always check the ingredients list for anything potentially harmful to your dog.

Are Dogs Allowed to Eat Cheese?

Before discussing string cheese specifically, it helps to understand how dogs generally handle dairy products. Cheese can be acceptable for many dogs in small amounts as an occasional treat.

Cheese contains nutrients like protein, calcium, phosphorus, and fat. But some dogs can have difficulty digesting the lactose found in dairy foods. This can lead to gas, bloating, diarrhea, and upset stomach when eating cheese.

Signs of lactose intolerance in dogs include:

  • Diarrhea or loose stools
  • Excessive gas
  • Abdominal pain
  • Bloating
  • Vomiting

Lactose intolerance is most common in these dogs:

  • Puppies under 1 year
  • Older dogs
  • Certain breeds like Dachshunds, Poodles, Chow Chows

If your dog shows signs of lactose intolerance, it’s best to avoid cheese and other dairy products containing lactose.

For dogs that handle dairy just fine, cheese can be an enjoyable snack in moderation. Limit cheese to less than 10% of your dog’s daily calories. Too much can lead to weight gain or gastrointestinal upset. It’s also very salty, so limit sodium intake from other sources when feeding cheese.

So can dogs eat string cheese? Let’s take a closer look.

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Is String Cheese Safe for Dogs to Eat?

Most dogs can enjoy string cheese safely and in moderation. The ingredients in traditional mozzarella string cheese are dog-friendly. Just be sure to get a product free of potentially harmful additives.

Some of the pros of string cheese for dogs include:

  • High in Protein: Cheese is a concentrated source of protein, providing essential amino acids. The protein in string cheese helps maintain and repair tissues.
  • Good Source of Calcium: Calcium supports bone health and nerve and muscle function. The calcium in cheese is readily absorbed.
  • Low Lactose: Mozzarella is relatively low in lactose compared to other cheeses. This makes it easier to digest for lactose intolerant pups.
  • Satisfies Chewing Instinct: The texture and mild taste of string cheese can keep dogs contently chewing for a while.
  • Easy to Portion: Each stick of string cheese provides a built-in single serving size. This makes it easy to limit your dog’s portion.
  • Enjoyable Treat: Most dogs love the taste of cheese! String cheese can provide a fun chewing experience and bonding opportunity.

However, there are also some potential downsides to be aware of:

  • High in Fat: Mozzarella string cheese can be around 5-8% fat. Too much can lead to obesity or pancreatitis.
  • Contains Lactose: Some dogs may still have issues digesting the lactose in string cheese.
  • High in Salt: String cheese is quite salty, so monitor sodium intake from other sources. Excess sodium is harmful.
  • May Cause Digestive Upset: Too much string cheese could lead to diarrhea or vomiting in some dogs. Start slowly with small amounts.
  • Can be Choking Hazard: The stringy texture could potentially pose a choking risk for aggressive chewers. Supervise your dog while eating string cheese.

Overall, string cheese is fine for most dogs in moderation. But owners of puppies, seniors, or dogs with sensitivities should exercise more caution. Always supervise your dog with new foods and stop providing them if you notice any signs of intolerance.

Feeding Guidelines for String Cheese

When feeding your dog string cheese, follow these tips for their health and safety:

  • Start with small amounts and gradually increase to observe any adverse reactions.
  • Limit string cheese to no more than one standard stick per day for a medium or large breed dog. Small dogs should have even less.
  • Avoid extra salty varieties or those with excessive additives. Choose plain mozzarella string cheese.
  • Break the cheese into small pieces rather than giving the whole stick. This prevents excessive chewing and choking risk.
  • Pair string cheese with active play to prevent weight gain from the fat content.
  • Reduce or eliminate string cheese if you notice signs of stomach upset, diarrhea, gas, or bloating.
  • Always supervise your dog while they enjoy any chewy treat like string cheese. Do not leave them unattended with it.
  • Avoid string cheese in puppies under 6 months old. Their digestive systems may have trouble handling it.

Following these feeding tips will allow your dog to safely enjoy string cheese in moderation as part of a balanced diet! Consult your vet if you have any concerns about introducing string cheese or dairy.

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Healthy Homemade String Cheese Recipe for Dogs

Want to whip up a homemade string cheese treat for your pup? Here is an easy dog-friendly recipe:


  • 8 ounces part-skim mozzarella cheese, shredded
  • 1/4 cup plain yogurt
  • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder (optional)


  1. Add the shredded mozzarella and yogurt to a microwave-safe bowl. Microwave in 30 second intervals, stirring in between, until melted and combined.
  2. Let the cheese mixture cool slightly so you can handle it. Add garlic powder for flavor (optional).
  3. Using your hands, form the cheese into a rope about 1/2 inch thick. Twist it into sticks.
  4. Refrigerate the rope for at least an hour until firm. Store refrigerated for up to a week.
  5. Slice off pieces of the rope to serve. Refrigerate any leftovers.

This homemade recipe lets you control the ingredients. Use reduced-fat cheese and unflavored yogurt for a healthier treat. Add your dog’s favorite spices for extra flavor. Plus, it satisfies their chewing needs!

Just be sure to use mozzarella or other low-lactose cheese. Start with small servings and monitor your dog for any digestive upset. Adjust the recipe as needed to best suit your pup!

What Other Cheeses Can Dogs Eat?

While string cheese is safe for most pups, you may wonder what other cheese varieties are okay to feed dogs. Here are some good options:

  • Cottage Cheese: Soft and bland, most dogs tolerate cottage cheese well. Choose low or reduced-fat.
  • Mozzarella: A good choice for lactose intolerant dogs due to lower lactose content. Pick low-moisture mozzarella.
  • Feta: Stronger flavored crumbles provide a nice training treat. Avoid if your dog has salt sensitivity.
  • Goat Cheese: Another lactose-free choice. Opt for a soft fresh goat cheese.
  • Blue Cheese: Stronger flavored but okay in small amounts for most dogs.
  • Parmesan: Hard grating cheese. Grate over your dog’s food for a flavor boost.

Cheeses to Avoid:

  • Soft cheeses like brie or camembert
  • Aged cheeses like gouda or cheddar
  • Mold-ripened cheeses
  • Cheese with hot peppers or heavy spices

These varieties tend to be higher in lactose, fat, and salt content. They could upset some dogs’ stomachs and may contain additives. Stick to blander fresh cheeses.

Always introduce new cheeses slowly and watch for any digestive issues. Consult your vet if you’re unsure if a type of cheese is suitable for your unique dog.

FAQs About Dogs and String Cheese

Still, have some lingering questions about dogs eating string cheese? Here are answers to some common queries:

1. Is string cheese a good training treat?

Yes! The small size, mild taste, and texture make string cheese a great option for training treats. Just be sure to reduce your dog’s normal food on heavy training days to account for the extra calories.

2. Can puppies eat string cheese?

String cheese is not recommended for puppies under 6 months old. Their digestive systems are still developing and they may struggle to digest the dairy. Wait until your puppy matures before introducing string cheese.

3. Can diabetic dogs have string cheese?

Ask your vet, but string cheese in small amounts may be an option for some diabetic dogs. Pick a low-fat variety and count the carbs toward their daily allowance. Avoid extra sugary flavors.

4. Will string cheese help strengthen my dog’s teeth?

The chewing motion helps clean teeth and exercise jaw muscles. However, cheese is soft and won’t scrape plaque like raw bones or dental chews. Don’t replace regular toothbrushing!

5. Can I freeze string cheese for dogs?

Yes, freezing extends the shelf life. Let it thaw before feeding. But fresh is best! Frozen cheese may become crumbly and the texture changes.

6. What about cheese sticks or cheese whiz?

Avoid highly processed cheese products like squeeze cheese or deep fried cheese sticks. These are high in salt, fat, and preservatives. Stick to raw cheese like mozzarella string cheese.

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Is String Cheese Ultimately Safe for Dogs?

String cheese makes an enjoyable occasional snack for most healthy dogs over 6 months old. In moderation, it provides protein, calcium, and mental stimulation. Just be cautious with puppies, seniors, or dogs with medical conditions. And always supervise your dog when feeding any chewy treat.

While cheese can be fine for many canines, individual reactions vary widely. Some dogs may have no issue digesting dairy, while others get diarrhea after just a small nibble. Start slowly and pay attention to any adverse effects. You know your pup best!

Choose an all-natural mozzarella string cheese free of preservatives or flavorings. Check the ingredients list carefully. And limit cheese to no more than 10% of their total daily calories, swapping out some regular food to compensate.

As with any human food, feed string cheese to your dog in moderation as an occasional treat – not as a daily staple. For a nourishing cheesy snack your dog will love, try making this homemade recipe instead! With the right precautions, string cheese can be a safe and yummy way to bond with your furry best friend.

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