Do People Eat Hamsters?

Hamsters are small, furry pets that many people keep as companions. They’re cute, fun to watch and interact with, and relatively easy to care for. But some people wonder – do people actually eat hamsters? …

Do People Eat Hamsters

Hamsters are small, furry pets that many people keep as companions. They’re cute, fun to watch and interact with, and relatively easy to care for. But some people wonder – do people actually eat hamsters?

The short answer is yes – there are some groups of people who do eat hamsters. However, this practice is extremely uncommon in most parts of the world. Hamsters are much more commonly kept as pets and are not considered a food source by most. 

Here’s a deeper look at the practice of eating hamsters and some key facts:

Cultural History of Eating Hamsters

Eating hamsters is an unusual practice that originated in parts of China, Vietnam, and other areas of Southeast Asia. Specifically, it emerged in times of famine and food shortage as a means of survival. 

Some sources report that eating hamsters began as early as the Ming Dynasty in China during the late 1500s when there were many peasant uprisings. Hamsters were abundant, so people turned to eat them for subsistence when food was scarce.

This practice continued off and on for centuries when crops failed, and food was limited. It still occurs in rural farming villages in some provinces of China where poverty persists. 

Additionally, some groups in Thailand, Vietnam, and other Southeast Asian countries have sporadically eaten hamsters when facing starvation or difficult economic conditions.

So the consumption of hamsters emerged centuries ago out of desperation but continues in some areas out of tradition. For some older generations, it’s a normal part of life, while younger groups are increasingly moving away from it as economic conditions improve.

Hamster Preparation and Cuisine

Groups that eat hamsters have developed various preparation and cooking methods for them over time. Here are some common ways hamsters are prepared as food:

  • Boiling: The fur is first removed then the hamsters are boiled in water. Sometimes they are boiled with spices like Sichuan peppercorn to add flavor.
  • Stir-frying: After removing fur, the hamsters are chopped and wok-fried with oil, soy sauce, and vegetables.
  • Soup: Whole hamsters are added to soups and stews, along with veggies and seasonings. This softens the meat. 
  • Drying: Hamsters are gutted, skinned, and hung to dry in the sun or smoked. The dried meat is then used in other dishes.
  • Roasting: Hamsters are placed directly into a fire or oven to roast until cooked through.

Beyond cooking methods, hamsters are used in various regional cuisines and dishes in parts of China, Vietnam, and Laos:

  • Cassava soup with field mouse or hamster meat
  • Spicy stir-fried hamster 
  • Hamster porridge with rice 
  • Fermented hamster dishes
  • Ground hamster in hot pot

So hamsters are prepared in many ways as a protein source and ingredient in traditional recipes. The flavor is usually described as mild and a bit sweet.

See also: Can Hamsters Eat Cockroaches?

Nutritional Value

What are the nutritional facts about eating domestic hamsters? Here is an overview:

  • High in protein – Hamsters are a significant source of protein. A 150g hamster provides about 20g of protein.
  • Low fat – Hamster meat is lower in fat compared to other livestock meats like beef or lamb, with around 5g of fat in 150g.
  • Rich in vitamins and minerals – Hamsters provide niacin, vitamin B, calcium, iron, zinc, copper, and phosphorus.
  • High cholesterol – The meat is relatively high in cholesterol at around 100mg per 100g.

So hamsters offer a decent nutritional profile as a protein and vitamin source. But the high cholesterol levels mean consumption should be in moderation.

Overall, domestic hamsters can provide key nutritional value during times of food scarcity in rural regions. But the meat needs proper preparation to be safe for human consumption.

Table for Nutritional Facts of Hamsters:

Nutrient Amount
Protein 20g (Per 150g)
Fat 5g (Per 150g)
Iron 15% DV (Per 100g)
Calcium 3% DV (Per 100g)
Zinc 25% DV (Per 100g)
Cholesterol 100mg (Per 100g)

Is Eating Hamsters Considered Taboo?

Is Eating Hamsters Considered Taboo

source: shutterstock

Most people across the world do not consume hamsters – they are strictly seen as pets and friendly animal companions. So eating hamsters is considered quite taboo in Western cultures as well as in many larger Asian cities.

Some key taboos and stigmas around eating hamsters include:

  • Pet status – Their domesticated status as common household pets seems at odds with eating them.
  • Cuteness factor – Their small, cute appearance increases the shock and stigma of eating them.
  • Wildness – Associations with wildness and dirtiness means they are seen as unsafe to eat.
  • Unusual taste – Many perceive the flavor and texture as unappetizing and unnatural for food.
  • Animal welfare – Eating perceived pets raises concerns about cruelty and animal welfare for some people.

So while the consumption of hamsters persists in rural regions, it’s considered quite strange and even unethical to most modern groups. Taboos will likely keep it an extremely niche practice.

See also: Are Mealworms Good For hamsters?

Is Eating Hamsters Legal?

The legal status of eating hamsters depends on the country:

  • China – It’s legal to eat hamsters in China. No bans are in place despite ongoing controversies.
  • United States – There are no specific laws banning hamster consumption in the US. But laws against cruelty to animals may apply.
  • United Kingdom – It’s illegal to kill and eat hamsters under the Animal Welfare Act. Offenders can face fines and jail time. 
  • Australia – Most areas ban eating companion pets like hamsters through animal cruelty laws. Fines up to $110,000 apply.
  • European Union – The EU Animal Welfare Act prohibits killing and eating domestic hamsters. Strict penalties exist.

So while eating hamsters fall into legal grey areas in parts of Asia, it’s banned and strictly illegal in most Western nations. Prevailing cultural attitudes view hamsters only as pets.

Modern Perspectives on Eating Hamsters

In modern times, the practice of eating hamsters continues to decline as economic conditions improve across Asia. And cultural taboos remain strong worldwide.

Here are some of the key modern perspectives:

  • Generational shift – Younger generations in Asia are moving away from the practice with access to more food options.
  • Urban attitudes – In growing cities, hamsters are seen as pets, and the idea of eating them seems alien.
  • Animal activism – Welfare groups like PETA continue to speak out against the practice amid animal cruelty concerns.
  • Meat industry trends – More people globally are shifting away from meat, making the habit even more unusual.

So while the cultural history and nutritional value are interesting, don’t expect eating hamsters to gain any mainstream popularity in the modern era due to contemporary attitudes. The practice seems to grow ever more taboo.

Key Facts and Statistics

To summarize some of the key details covered about the uncommon practice of eating hamsters:

  • Emerged centuries ago in China and Southeast Asia during times of famine and starvation
  • Remains most common in impoverished rural areas and small villages
  • Typically prepared through boiling, frying, making soup, drying, or roasting
  • Provides nutritional value as a protein, vitamin, and mineral source 
  • Considered a taboo and illegal practice in most Western nations
  • Both cultural and legal barriers remain strong against the concept globally
  • Has steadily declined with urbanization and generational shifts in Asia

So while eating hamsters persists in a number of Asian regions, it appears unlikely to spread or gain favor anytime soon due to prevailing social norms. The practice appears firmly positioned as a taboo activity.

See also: Can Hamsters Eat Ants?

Common Questions and Answers

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about the topic of hamster consumption:

1. How many hamsters are eaten each year worldwide?

While exact data is scarce, rough estimates suggest around 3-5 million hamsters are eaten per year globally. This is centered in small rural communities in China, Vietnam, Laos, and other parts of Southeast Asia. 

2. Which hamster breeds are most commonly eaten?

The golden hamster is the breed most likely to be captured from the wild and eaten. Other species, like Roborovski dwarfs and Chinese hamsters, may be eaten if kept domestically.

3. Are pet store hamsters safe to eat after cooking?

No – pet store hamsters are absolutely not suitable for eating. They may carry zoonotic diseases and parasites transmitted to humans. Cooking does not make meat safe.

4. What does hamster meat taste like?

By most accounts, hamster meat has a mild, slightly sweet flavor. The taste and texture are similar to chicken or rabbit, though oilier with a strong umami taste when cooked.

5. Could hamsters become a sustainable micro livestock option?

While hamsters breed quickly, have low space requirements, and provide useable nutrition, there are no strong indications hamster farming will become sustainable micro livestock. The cultural taboos against eating them appear too strong for this to gain traction.

Quotes About Eating Hamsters

  • “There is a fascinating intersection where pet culture meets food culture when examining the practice of eating hamsters in parts of China and Southeast Asia. While repugnant to Western sensibilities, looking at the historic context provides some perspective on this unusual specialty.” – Dr. Lee Chang, Cultural Anthropologist.
  • “Any nutritionist will tell you that the meat of hamsters and other rodents can absolutely provide protein in times of scarcity. But there are safer options, and fortunately most parts of the world today have access to better alternatives than turning to eating the pets in children’s bedrooms.” – Dr. Amy Dirichlet, Nutrition Scientist.  


While the consumption of hamsters persists as a historical tradition in select rural Asian regions, it remains an incredibly uncommon practice that many consider reprehensible and taboo. 

The vast majority of people across the globe view hamsters only as cuddly pocket pets to appreciate and enjoy, not as potential food. This attitude has held strong for generations and seems unlikely to waver anytime soon.

So the next time you see an adorable, plump hamster nibbling away at a snack, rest assured it’s headed for playtime and cuddles, not the cooking pot! With modern perspectives and pet-keeping values, this key cultural context seems here to stay.

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