Can Hamsters Eat Honey?

Honey is a sweet, viscous food substance made by honey bees from the nectar of flowers. It is enjoyed by humans for its sweet taste, but can hamsters eat honey too? Let’s find out. What …


Honey is a sweet, viscous food substance made by honey bees from the nectar of flowers. It is enjoyed by humans for its sweet taste, but can hamsters eat honey too? Let’s find out.

What is Honey?

Honey is composed primarily of the sugars glucose and fructose. It also contains trace amounts of several vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and amino acids. The color, flavor, and consistency of honey depend largely on the types of flowers from which the nectar was harvested.

Most commercial honey is pasteurized, a process that kills yeast cells and helps prevent fermentation. Raw, unpasteurized honey contains traces of bee pollen, enzymes, propolis, and antioxidants that are destroyed during pasteurization. Many health experts consider raw honey to be preferable over pasteurized honey.

Is Honey Safe for Hamsters?

Yes, hamsters can eat honey in moderation. Honey is not toxic to hamsters. The natural sugars in honey are a good source of energy. Honey also provides small amounts of nutrients like potassium, calcium, magnesium, and B vitamins.

However, honey should be fed sparingly as treats, not daily meals. Here are some reasons why:

  • High in natural sugars – Honey is about 80% carbohydrates, so it is high in sugars like glucose and fructose. Too much can cause obesity and diabetes.
  • Sticky consistency – Honey can stick to hamster cheeks and fur. This could promote bacteria growth and dental issues.
  • Diarrhea risk – The sugars and acids in honey can potentially cause loose stools if too much is consumed.

So feel free to reward your hamster with a tiny smear of honey once in a while, but do not offer it daily.

How to Feed Honey to Hamsters

When feeding honey to your hamster, follow these tips:

  • Use raw, unpasteurized honey – Raw honey has more nutrients and enzymes than regular honey.
  • Avoid too much – A dab the size of your fingertip is more than enough.
  • Mix into food – Mix a small amount into your hamster’s seed mix or pellet food.
  • Use sparingly – Treat honey as an occasional treat, not a dietary staple.
  • Avoid giving water after – The sticky texture means your hamster may choke on water immediately after eating honey.
  • Monitor carefully – Some hamsters may experience loose stools. Discontinue use if this occurs.
  • Clean face and paws – Gently wipe away any honey residue on your hamster’s face and paws to prevent sticking.

Health Benefits of Honey for Hamsters

In moderation, honey can provide some benefits for hamsters:

  • Energy – Honey provides a natural source of carbohydrates for energy.
  • Minerals – Trace amounts of minerals like calcium, potassium, and magnesium.
  • Antioxidants – Raw honey contains polyphenols and other antioxidants.
  • Anti-microbial – Honey has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties that support immunity.
  • Probiotics – Raw, unpasteurized honey contains beneficial bacteria and yeasts.
  • Digestion – The enzymes in honey support healthy digestion.
  • Sore throat – The anti-microbial properties may soothe mild throat irritation or cough.
  • Wound healing – Honey has been used topically to promote wound closure and healing.

So in small amounts, honey can provide nutritional and health benefits for hamsters beyond simply tasting sweet and delicious.

Risks of Feeding Too Much Honey

Honey should only be an occasional treat for hamsters, not a daily part of their diet. Here are some risks of feeding too much honey:

  • Obesity – Too many excess calories from honey can lead to obesity.
  • Diabetes – Excess sugar increases the risk of diabetes. Hamsters already have a tendency to develop diabetes as they age.
  • Diarrhea – The sugars and acids in honey can cause loose stools if too much is consumed.
  • Tooth decay – Constant exposure to sugars promotes cavities and dental disease.
  • Choking hazard – Honey’s sticky texture makes it a choking risk, especially right after drinking water.
  • Allergies – Hamsters can develop contact allergies or experience anaphylaxis if they have honey bee allergies.

To keep your hamster healthy, view honey as an occasional treat, not a daily diet food. Moderation is key.

Signs of a Honey Overdose

Monitor your hamster closely when first introducing honey. Discontinue use if any of these symptoms develop:

  • Diarrhea
  • Loose or watery stools
  • Increased drinking or urination
  • Listlessness or lethargy
  • Reduced appetite
  • Dental discomfort like tooth chattering
  • Rubbing at mouth or pulling at teeth
  • Evidence of choking or coughing
  • Facial swelling or hives, if allergic

Consult an exotic vet if your hamster has any concerning symptoms after eating honey. Treatment may involve fluids, probiotics, antihistamines, or other supportive care.

FAQs about Honey for Hamsters

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about whether hamsters can or should eat honey:

1. Can baby hamsters eat honey?

Yes, but only once they are fully weaned, around 3-4 weeks old. Honey poses a higher choking risk for younger hamsters. Older hamsters can handle honey more safely.

2. Can diabetic hamsters have honey?

No. Honey is not recommended for diabetic hamsters since it is high in natural sugars. Consult your exotic vet for diet recommendations for diabetic hamsters.

3. Is honey nutritious for hamsters?

Honey does provide trace amounts of nutrients like minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, enzymes, and probiotics. But the amounts are quite small compared to healthier treatment options like fruits or veggies.

4. Is honey better than refined sugar?

Yes, raw honey is marginally better than refined white sugar. But both should only be treated, as the sugar content is still quite high.

5. Can honey help treat my hamster’s wet tail?

No, honey should not be used to treat wet tail (diarrhea). Wet tail requires antibiotics prescribed by a vet. Honey may make diarrhea worse.


In conclusion, hamsters can eat honey safely in very small quantities as an occasional treat. Honey provides energy, minerals, antioxidants, enzymes, and probiotics. However, it is high in natural sugars like glucose and fructose, so moderation is key. Too much honey can cause obesity, diarrhea, and other health issues in hamsters. For a healthy treat, offer just a tiny dab of raw, unpasteurized honey once in a while, but not daily. Monitor your hamster closely for any signs of reaction. With judicious use, honey can provide hamsters with a sweet, energizing boost.

Featured Image: Shutterstock

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