Can Cats Eat Popcorn?

Popcorn can be a tasty and fun snack for humans, but is it safe for cats to eat? As cat owners, it’s important to understand which human foods are safe to share with our furry …

cat see the popcorn

Popcorn can be a tasty and fun snack for humans, but is it safe for cats to eat?

As cat owners, it’s important to understand which human foods are safe to share with our furry friends and which ones should be avoided.

In this article, we’ll take a detailed look at whether or not cats can eat popcorn and the potential benefits and risks.

Can Cats Eat Popcorn?

The short answer is yes, cats can eat popcorn in moderation. Popcorn that is air-popped and unseasoned is generally safe for feline consumption.

The popcorn itself contains carbohydrates, fiber, antioxidants, and small amounts of protein and fat. As obligate carnivores, cats get most of their nutrition from meat-based proteins, but plant-based carbs and fiber can complement their diet.

However, there are some important caveats to consider before sharing popcorn with cats:

  • Butter and seasoning should be avoided. Salted, buttered, or seasoned popcorn can upset a cat’s stomach and potentially cause digestive issues or pancreatitis. Stick to plain, air-popped popcorn only.
  • Uncooked kernels are a choking hazard. Only feed cats fully popped popcorn, never raw kernels which could get stuck in their throat, esophagus, or digestive tract.
  • Moderation is key. Popcorn should only be an occasional snack, not a dietary staple. Feed just a few pieces at a time.
  • Individual tolerance varies. Some cats may digest popcorn without issues, while others may get an upset stomach. Introduce slowly and discontinue if any negative symptoms arise.

So in summary, plain popcorn in small amounts is likely fine for most cats, but caution is warranted and it should not make up a significant portion of their regular diet. Check with your veterinarian if unsure.

Nutritional Value of Popcorn for Cats

Here is a quick look at the nutritional value of air-popped popcorn (per 100 grams):

  • Calories: 387
  • Carbs: 78 g (mostly insoluble fiber)
  • Protein: 10 g
  • Fat: 4 g (mostly polyunsaturated)
  • Fiber: 14 g
  • Vitamins & Minerals: Provides small amounts of thiamine, folate, manganese, iron, zinc, copper, and selenium.

As you can see, plain popcorn is low in fat and protein, which are crucial nutrients for cats. But it provides a decent amount of fiber, antioxidants, and minerals. This makes it more of a complementary snack, not a dietary staple.

The fiber in popcorn may help promote intestinal motility and regularity in cats. The antioxidants like polyphenols may also offer some immune system and anti-inflammatory benefits.

Still, the relatively high carbohydrate content makes popcorn more suitable for humans from a nutritional standpoint. Cats should get most of their calories from high-protein, low-carb whole food sources.

See also: Can Cats Eat Kiwi?

Potential Benefits of Cats Eating Popcorn

Some of the potential benefits of cats occasionally eating a few pieces of plain, air-popped popcorn include:

  • Fiber – Promotes healthy digestion and regularity. May help with hairballs.
  • Interactive snack – Provides cognitive stimulation and bonding experience with owners.
  • Low calorie – A good alternative to high-fat treats for weight control.
  • Antioxidants – Anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting polyphenols.
  • Oral health – The abrasive texture helps remove plaque and tartar as cats chew.

The interactive aspect should not be overlooked. Popcorn can be a fun activity and bonding experience for both the cat and the owner. The crunch and novelty make it an engaging treat. Just be sure to limit the quantity and avoid butter or salt.

Risks & Precautions for Cats Eating Popcorn

While moderation is key, there are some potential risks and precautions to be aware of before feeding popcorn to cats:

  • Gastrointestinal upset – Too much popcorn may cause vomiting, diarrhea, gas, or constipation in some cats. Introduce slowly.
  • Choking hazard – Only feed fully popped kernels. Unpopped kernels pose a significant choking risk.
  • Pancreatitis – High-fat popcorn (e.g. movie theater style) may cause pancreatitis which can be life-threatening.
  • Salt toxicity – Salted popcorn can cause sodium ion poisoning in cats.
  • Allergies – Popcorn allergies are rare but possible. Discontinue feeding if any signs of an allergic reaction.
  • Dental damage – Kernel shells can potentially crack teeth if chewed aggressively.
  • Obesity – Too much can lead to unhealthy weight gain. Popcorn should only be an occasional treat.

It’s also important to note that cats should not eat popcorn flavored with artificial flavors, especially those containing xylitol which is toxic to cats. Stick to plain, air-popped varieties only. If in doubt, check with your vet.

Feeding Guidelines & Best Practices

If you decide to share small amounts of air-popped popcorn with your cat, here are some recommended guidelines and best practices:

  • Introduce slowly, only a few pieces initially to check for tolerance.
  • Popcorn should only make up 1-5% of daily caloric intake at most.
  • To avoid obesity, replace other treats/snacks rather than adding popcorn on top of existing foods.
  • Feed individual pieces by hand instead of putting them in a bowl to better control intake.
  • Make sure the cat chews thoroughly and popcorn does not pose a choking hazard.
  • Stop feeding immediately and call your vet if you notice any vomiting, diarrhea, or other concerning symptoms.
  • Do not feed cats unpopped kernels, buttered popcorn, flavored popcorn, or salted popcorn. Only plain air-popped.
  • Cats with dental disease or resorptive lesions may need to avoid popcorn due to the risks of kernel shells getting caught in compromised teeth.

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Homemade Cat Popcorn Recipe

For cats that tolerate plain popcorn well, you can easily make a homemade batch as an occasional treat:


  • 1/4 cup unpopped popcorn kernels
  • 1 tsp olive oil or avocado oil (optional)


  1. Heat a saucepan over medium-high heat. Add oil if desired.
  2. Add popcorn kernels in a single layer. Cover saucepan.
  3. Shake the pan gently as kernels begin popping.
  4. Once popping slows to 2-3 seconds between pops, remove from heat.
  5. Transfer popped popcorn to a bowl. Allow to cool before feeding to the cat.

Be sure to pick out any un-popped kernels. Break individual pieces into kitty bite-sized pieces. Let your cat enjoy this homemade snack in moderation while avoiding unhealthy popcorn add-ons.

FAQs About Cats and Popcorn

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about cats and popcorn:

1. Can kittens eat popcorn?

Popcorn is not recommended for kittens under 1 year old. Their digestive and immune systems are still developing. Wait until your kitten is fully mature before introducing new foods like popcorn.

2. Can cats eat popcorn with cavities?

No, cats with dental cavities or resorptive lesions should avoid hard foods like popcorn that could get caught in compromised teeth. This may cause pain, damage, and infection. Soft foods are preferable.

3. Can cats eat kettle corn or caramel corn?

No, flavored popcorn like a kettle or caramel corn should be avoided. The sugar, corn syrup, and artificial flavors used can upset a cat’s stomach. Stick to plain air-popped popcorn only.

4. Is popcorn a choking hazard for cats?

Yes, unpopped popcorn kernels can pose a significant choking hazard as they may become lodged in a cat’s throat or digestive tract. Only feed fully popped popcorn pieces, never raw kernels or seeds.

5. Does butter on popcorn hurt cats?

Yes, butter and other fats can cause gastrointestinal upset in cats. Salted popcorn can also cause sodium ion poisoning. Avoid any seasoned popcorn and only choose plain, air-popped varieties.

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The Verdict on Cats and Popcorn

In conclusion, plain, air-popped, unsalted popcorn makes an occasional fun snack or treat for most cats in moderation. It provides some beneficial fiber, plant-based nutrients, and antioxidants. Just be sure to introduce slowly, avoid any unhealthy additions, limit the quantity, and monitor your cat’s individual response. Check with your veterinarian for personalized feeding advice. While sharing the occasional popped kernel or two can be safe and even enriching bonding-wise, popcorn should not become a dietary staple for cats.

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